Meet The Mother-Daughter PNW Wellness Team

Marian & Raquel Lemire

We want to meet you where you are in your health journey. We want to empower you to reach your health goal summit. YOU are unique and so is your solution.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ at PNW Wellness. Come see the difference in wellness today… let’s craft your solution together.

Raquel Lemire

The vision for my practice started in 2020 when I had been experiencing uncomfortable gut symptoms (gas, bloating) for over a year. Frustrated and at a loss, I was relieved when I finally received a diagnosis: I had an overgrowth of bacteria that had migrated from my colon to my small intestine. These bacteria produced methane and hydrogen, the source of my problems. Under ND supervision, I embarked on a journey to heal the ratio of good to bad bacteria in my gut. In addition to lifestyle changes, mostly involving diet and stress management, I found that colon hydrotherapy not only helps me manage my symptoms but addresses the root cause.

 Since that time, I’ve done a lot of self-learning about gut health and the benefits of colon hydrotherapy. I found that a large portion of the population struggles with the same symptoms I dealt with for so long (and others, too!), and that the standard American diet and lifestyle has negatively impacted our colon’s ability to do its job. I decided to become an I-ACT certified Colon Hydrotherapist in 2021 so I could start sharing this knowledge with others and empower them to take their health into their own hands. 

 I studied under Tara Alder at Alderbrook Healing Arts where I got hands-on experience working with clients from all backgrounds: those of all ages and at all steps in their healing journeys, from those who are simply conscious about the power of cleansing regularly, to those who suffer from acute and chronic illness looking to find immediate relief. 

 My philosophy for healing is informed by many disciplines: in undergrad at UT Austin, I received my Bachelor’s in psychology and sociology because I am fascinated by both the individual and society—how we think, the emotions we feel, the chemistry of our brains, and the groups with which we identify can all play a powerful role in our health. I concentrated in Health and Healthcare because my own health has been the pillar to my success throughout my life. A lifelong runner, avid weightlifter, and yogi, I became a NASM-certified personal trainer in 2022 to learn more about the body’s systems and inform myself on the fitness industry’s best practices. I truly believe in the healing power of exercise and the importance of nurturing the relationship between mind and body.

 Whether you are familiar with colon hydrotherapy or brand new to this ancient practice, my goal is to learn about YOU and make you feel welcome and comfortable for the duration of your session. Whatever your goal is with colon hydrotherapy, I’m here to offer guidance and support. While I am not a doctor (yet!) I’m very happy to make recommendations from within my network if you’re curious about learning more about your own unique microbiome, and always thrilled to share what’s worked for me. The road to health is often an integrated one. Thank you in advance for your partnership and trust!

 In Good Health,


Marian Lemire

Hi! I’m Marian, owner and co-founder at PNW Wellness. Throughout my life and professional career, the principle that has most guided me is being of service to others. From my first job at a youth-in-crisis call center, to my work abroad teaching at an international school, to my many years as a program manager for a huge tech corporation, my primary goals are always the same: create a safe space where everyone feels welcome, share knowledge through storytelling, and encourage others to recognize their own gifts. 

From some of those pivotal moments in my life, health and wellness have played a vital importance in my success. I am someone who has experienced her share of health challenges and the key to my wellbeing has always brought me back to one thing: my gut!  

Our gut is not only the home of our intuition, its optimal function also impacts many of the body’s other systems. I founded PNW Wellness specifically for those feeling distress related to their gut. I spent many years figuring out what works for my body, and I know that everyone’s solution is unique. I want to be here to support you on the road to wellness by meeting you where you are and reminding you that you are not alone when faced with symptoms that may be frustrating, uncomfortable, or embarrassing. 

We are here to serve YOU—so that all your concerns are heard and addressed. I am excited to partner with you and bring a sense of ease (even fun!) to this experience.  

With Humble Thanks and Gratitude,
